
Oct 2024

Is a DUNS Number the Same as an EIN?

A DUNS number and an EIN are both essential identifiers for businesses, but they serve very different purposes and are issued by different authorities.

Understanding the distinctions between these two numbers is crucial for business owners, especially those looking to expand their operations or engage in government contracting. This article will clarify the differences between a DUNS number and an EIN, and explain how can assist businesses in managing these important identifiers.

What is a DUNS Number?

A DUNS number, or Data Universal Numbering System number, is a unique nine-digit identifier assigned to businesses by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). The DUNS number is primarily used for tracking a company’s credit history and establishing its business identity in the marketplace. It is recognized globally and is essential for companies looking to build their credit profile or engage in international trade.

Key Features of a DUNS Number:

  • Issued by Dun & Bradstreet: The DUNS number is assigned after D&B verifies the existence of a business.
  • Global Recognition: It is used internationally and is often required for government contracts and partnerships.
  • Persistent Identifier: The DUNS number remains the same throughout the life of the business, even if ownership changes.

Read also: Where Can I Find My DUNS Number?

What is an EIN?

An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is also a unique nine-digit identifier, but it is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) specifically for tax purposes. The EIN is used primarily to identify a business entity for federal tax reporting, similar to how a Social Security number identifies an individual.

Key Features of an EIN:

  • Issued by the IRS: The EIN is assigned when a business registers with the IRS for tax purposes.
  • U.S.-Centric: While it serves U.S. businesses, other countries have their own systems for tax identification.
  • Variable Identifier: An EIN can change if a business undergoes significant changes in structure, such as merging or restructuring.

Why Businesses Need Both

Many businesses benefit from having both a DUNS number and an EIN. While the DUNS number helps establish credibility and track creditworthiness, the EIN is necessary for tax compliance and reporting. Companies seeking government contracts often need both identifiers to meet regulatory requirements.

How Can Help

Navigating the processes of obtaining both a DUNS number and an EIN can be complex. offers valuable assistance to streamline these processes:

  • Guidance on Application Processes: provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply for both a DUNS number and an EIN, ensuring that all necessary information is included and submitted correctly.
  • Reputation Management Services: Before applying for these identifiers, it’s beneficial to establish a positive business reputation. specializes in reputation management, helping you address any existing issues that could affect your credibility.
  • Ongoing Support: After obtaining your DUNS number and EIN, maintaining accurate records and compliance is crucial. offers tools to help manage your business information effectively, ensuring it remains current in relevant databases.

In summary, while both a DUNS number and an EIN are vital identifiers for businesses, they serve distinct purposes—one for credit identification and the other for tax reporting. Understanding these differences can help business owners navigate regulatory requirements more effectively. With support from, businesses can ensure they obtain these numbers correctly and maintain their reputation in the marketplace, setting the stage for future growth and success.

Read also: Do I Need a DUNS Number for My LLC?